
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thrift Hoard: My cup runneth over...

I have so much stuff. So many craft supplies, so much "merchandise" to list, so many posts I want to write, and so many ideas. It's like my brain has too many tabs open. 
This image of a pile of belts is like some kind of mataphor
I'm overwhelmed. It's the eve of February vacation for the kids and grownups who work in schools here in NH. I work hourly and I'm broke, so this week off is really gonna hurt my wallet, but I sure can use the time to catch up on listing. I've got a million projects on my mind. And how could I possibly be doing worthwhile projects, I've only had a bunch of snow days and holidays to put them into action.
When I click on the "beautiful life" blogs about the miracles and treasures of the blogger lives, I wonder how it goes so smoothly. I'm always starting and stopping projects, or procrastinating because I'm indecisive. Certain creative pursuits have to be put on hold because of time conflicts, I guess. 
See this fabric bird? It's part of a dress refashion that I'm almost done.
I love my refashioning, but I wish I could finish more and keep up with the growing pile of stuff. Speaking of piles of stuff...During my last post, I mentioned picking up some spare belts for the dresses I take home that are without. I got the idea to go through my own large belt stash, and search a thrift store or two for some. I could use these cheap, but awesome vintage belts to dress up otherwise boring clothing items to help them sell. Go ahead, scroll up. See that big, red button belt? I've had that in my collection since summer, and I can't find an outfit to pair it with properly. Make me money, lovely accessory...
Last Monday was 50% of clothes, accessories, and bed/bath. I couldn't resist checking out the deals. Found some good stuff, too. Here's what I've taken pictures of, which means I have more stuff to share next week.

Sorry about the lackluster picture, there. It's actually a pretty nice Jonathan Logan vintage dress. See that thing behind it?

That's a dressmaker's pattern board, I think. Is that what you call them? That should come in handy when I'm ready to do more advanced sewing, but I was thinking it could also make an interesting backdrop for my photos. Most of my apartment looks like that table on the left of the picture, that cardboard piece I spent $2 on is quite helpful. I like the red and blue color, too.
How does that work? Sewing is hard

Here's another great dress. I really just wanted to show off that cool green and black harlequin pattern and square button. It's a shiny, silky material that seems to be hard to capture.

 This one of my favorite scores. It's such a cool, ruffled, novelty print blouse. At first, I just saw the safety pins and thought that was pretty punk rock. Then, I saw office supplies, so it lost some street cred. I don't think those pins belong with the paperclips and tacks...junk drawer shirt?

I've never bought vintage shoes, and these will be the first I plan to list in the shop. I saw those lightning bolt zig zags and that green color and I was in love. I'll have to do some research on how to sell shoes.

I gotta sell handbags, too. I'm like freakin' Al Bundy or something. That one was a buck, so I figured I would polish up the old leather and see if anyone else likes that rope design as much as I do.

You know what else was one dollar? This set. That's right, both of those pieces of vintage luggage for $1!
I feel like it's been forever since I've done a fun craft project. I need to make something. My sewing lady gave me even more stuff!
I got lots of ribbon, binding tape, zippers, velcro, and even more great buttons! I also got those lace-y items seen above. Those off-white collars need a good bath, but they look so antique-y.
 Some lace pieces that I want to use for jewelry making...
 Some necklaces I want to take apart and reuse with other supplies for said jewelry project...
Some stuff that I want to attach to clothing!
See what I mean? I'm all over the place. No work tomorrow, but I need food, have a dentist appointment, and can't even pose for blog selfies until my roots are touched up. (I'm vain, what of it?) No more grown up chores!
I plan on inking up at Sir Thrift A Lota living space and where ever else I can find a link party.


  1. Vintage lace and crocheted collars can do really well on eBay. you probably don't care but hey thought I'd throw it out there.

  2. I do care! I've been thinking about setting up an account on ebay for a few things. Of course, I usually like to keep stuff like that all folded in a suitcase, just in case I need them in a lace emergency.
