
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thridt Hoard: more big-ass art

Last week, there was a a 50% off all clothes, accessories, shoes, bedding, etc. at Savers. Despite using my day off to check out two Savers locations, it was not a successful haul. A few dresses (not yet photographed), a nice looking afghan (left on my parents' washer) and this awesome bag:
It's a red vinyl bag with a card from a Mexican game called Loteria! El Diablito! You know I listed that thing right away: El Diablito bag Stuff like that is totally my bag.
I managed to find something worth paying full Savers price on
 I love these vintage sewing baskets by Wilson Wil-hold or whatever. (By the way, pardon my lame pics, I lose sunlight insanely early.) That one looks like an actual basket. And it's got the trays in it!
I just tossed a few buttons in, I'm going to destash and fill this thing. It's just really hard parting with buttons that I totally might need someday!
Hey, you ever regretted a cheap thrift purchase because now you're burdened with something you don't know what to do with? I was doing a quick Goodwill run after dropping off some clothes for donation and I spotted this old timey clock radio:
I added a vintage photo filter to make it look cool. It's got those rolling numbers, wood grain, and I like it. Also, it was $2. It was right next to this one:
This one set me back another $2. I didn't feel like plugging them in and fooling around with them, as I was low on time. So, I gambled $4. Here's what I got; the Zenith bedside alarm clock/radio can definitely tell time! But, the "circle of sound" mentioned on it has gone silent. No radio. The cute, little box thing by Juliette has a working FM radio; aaand no clock.
Maybe I can sell them for for $4 each. I will double my investment!
Last Thursday, having not made any big money scores, I made a stop at Outfitters on my way home from work. 50% off housewares, hell yeah. Here's where I hit gold.
Look at that sweet little bathroom cabinet. White metal, with the punched detail, and two little plastic doors... I think it cost me $2.50 because of the sale! I listed it on Friday night, then sobbed myself to sleep after spending a Friday night describing an old bathroom fixture. I sold it Saturday for $50. Pardon me, whilst I roll around in dolla bills.
Also at didn't take me long to spot this big-ass wall hanging. How could I miss it?
Oh. My. God. It's awesome. It's a large, 70s, orange-and-brown, mod, swirl design on canvas. How big is it? 4' 8" long and 2' 10" tall.
It's in great shape and it's signed. Sadly, the "signature" is just an unintelligible scribble and the year '77. So, I can't exactly look up the artiste. I've see some of these mod looking things listed for a proverbial shit-ton, but I have no idea if mine is valuable or not. For all I know, it's crap. I'm sure I can sell it on "cool factor," but damn it, how much?
I appreciate any tips.
Linking up with Sir Thrift A Lot.

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