
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Can You Dig it? Sucka?!

That title is referencing the theme music for the wrestler/now commentator Booker T.
In this case "sucka" refers to "seersucker." Seersucker is a puckered, lightweight cotton fabric usually with thin stripes. Most commonly, blue and white stripes.
Here's my seersucker dress!
You see, seersucker is historically worn in the south where it's hot. There's even a seersucker day in Congress where the senators all wear it! My dress would be perfect for sweaty school days!
I bought that dress last year at Savers then spent all summer of 2017 trying to make it work. As you see in the picture, it's mostly just long. I thought it would be an easy fix. Nothing's ever easy for me!
Here's the first step! Little off the bottom, little off the sleeves... (Moody likes mid length dresses and short sleeves!) It was not a bad start...just a little loose fitting in some areas.
Here's my testing out some fabric pinching with some safety pins. I put a few gathers in the back. Gathers? Darts? Don't know the proper term for this. Starting to look better...but something was off.
Does that look cute to you?! Nope. It does not. It's that damn collar. Well, I know what I've got to do.
Seam ripped the collar and made a v neck. Hello, sexy new neckline!
NO. That is not a sexy neckline. It's not right at all. 
Undeterred, I stood in front of the mirror with my pins, adding more "darts". Then I hacked more sleeve off. Here's what I got:
I love it. I wore it to school and received many compliments! Here's the big finish:
 Sorry, I took a lot of pictures.

 There's the little sash belt.
So school was a little different last year. I've spent the last 6 years in kindergarten and first grade. In September, 2017 they sent me upstairs. With the big kids. I spent my days shuffling between several fourth and fifth grade classes. I was reunited with my old friends! My first babies from kindergarten 2012-2013 "graduated" from fifth grade. I may have teared up a bit. 


  1. Hi, first: I discovered your blog via Refashion Coop only today and I apreciate ist. Especially what you made of this dress: congrats!

  2. Love your refashion, but I always enjoy your stories too!

  3. Love, love, love your refashions! I was just going to "read a few" of your previous refashion posts but it is now 45 minutes later and I'm still here. Housework will always be there, right? Keep up the great work!

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments! Maybe I should keep up with this blog more often! I really appreciate when people take the time to leave a nice comment, so seriously; thanks!

  5. I have been following your blog via the refashion coop for a while now. I always love to see your posts!! I'm going to start following you directly, now. Please keep up the blog! Your wins inspire me to keep up my own refash hobby, especially when they're hard earned! ❤️ Thank you!!!

  6. Just found your blog through refashion coop and was excited to see your creativity. I'll be looking through your earlier posts! Blogs go through ups and downs like everything else in life. I've noticed that some blogs increase in trafffic when they are revamped, when sewing bloggers join different sewing challeges hosted by fellow sewing bloogers at different points of the the year, posting on fellow sewing bloggers' sites, and partnering with other sewing bloggers. I hope you keep it going!
