
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Look Your Best; Expect the Worst

I heard a saying once, and I can't track it down nor remember where I heard/read it. Anyway, it went something like: "Don't leave the house without looking like you might bump into your worst enemy." This one time, I was leaving my parents' home and my sister asked me why I applied lipstick if I was just heading home. I repeated that phrase, adding, "in my case; there's a very good chance of that happening."
Anyway, I don't remember buying this t-shirt,but I'm pretty sure it was during the summer before last, and at Savers. It features a woman in some sort of gas mask with an atomic warning symbol and the phrase, "Look your best when expecting the worst."

Of course, the ironic thing about these pictures is that I don't look all that hot at all.I got the idea at night, and by then, I was tired and showing it when I snapped these pics. I paired the top with one of my fave vintage, pleated, print skirts and red shoes. Then...I filtered the hell outta these shots to make them look decent. I also wanted to give them an old-timey, nostalgic feel.

WAW Hall of Fame Award
Five years ago this month, my peers of whom I considered a strange extended family presented me with the award seen on the left. It was an extremely proud moment in my life. Mock me, if you will, jerks! I'm sure it sounds like a ridonkulous source of pride, but this is an achievement I hold dear to me, even as my  formerly precious memories bring me nothing but the sting of heartbreak.

As I sit here, alone in my apartment on this cold November night I acknowledge the coming anniversary weekend of WAW, my former home. (click here for background info.) Friday night is when a party is held to honor the previous WAW calendar year and awards are handed out (including the prestigious Hall of Fame induction to celebrate one beloved performer each year.) Saturday night is when the anniversary wrestling show takes place.Old timers are invited to return for a one night performance. Anything. Can. Happen....

As anyone who's read the accounts of my previous year's breakdown knows; I'm not in a great place. One does not get into a place like this without making a lot of enemies. A lot of enemies who will take part in WAW's anniversary weekend. The WAW "arena" is clearly no safe place for me, the woman once and forever known as Moody Starr.
So, when it comes to my attendance this week...will I or won't I?

the dominatrix boots that adorned my feet for many struts to the ring
For old time's sake; a video from the WAW Tenth Anniversary Show, where I proudly show off my Hall of Fame award. (backstage promo starts at 1.36, ring entrance at 6.48)

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